Boarding and thrush in horses
Horses in the wild don't have thrush to the extent that horses are in boarding situations.
There are many reasons, but the main reason is horses in the wild don't have any restrictions on movement; they move from food areas to water sources at will. This allows natural flexing of the hoof causing the organic matter to naturally fall out oxygenating the bottom of the hoof.
This movement from place to place also keeps the hoof capsule worn down and trimmed up. They also are in fresh clean soil at all times of the night and day. A healthy functional hoof deters the growth of thrush in the hoof naturally.
We stable horses for safety and convenience. This changes the natural function of the hoof. Also by doing this, the horse is relying on us to trim and clean the hoof to mimic the natural state of the wild.
They stand in one area of their stall and no matter how clean we try to make it, bacteria and other organisms will eventually grow. It only takes the right conditions in the hoof for thrush to flourish.
It is our job to change the conditions of the horses that are boarded to give them the best chance not to develop thrush. Like picking out the hoofs, cleaning up the stall from manure and urine, keeping the hoof trimmed, and doing a maintenance treatment of Outlaw Thrush Stuff.
Even the simple task of turning your horse out in the pasture or an arena will aid in the non-development of thrush.
In Wet conditions that can't be changed. So the use of an astringent (Thrush Stuff) applied to the bottom of the hoof is necessary for the general health of the horse.
If thrush takes hold of your horse's hoof it will eat the tissue of the frog and invade the softer areas of the hoof.
Is thrush painful for horses?
The simple answer is yes in mild to severe cases.
Mild infections can be easily treated just by cleaning the hoof and changing a few sanitary conditions and usually don't have lameness.
If your horse has moderate to severe thrush a more dramatic response is warranted.
How to treat a horse with thrush?
The immediate treatment of Outlaw Thrush Stuff, Cutting any dead and necrosis removed from the hoof, and a change in environment.
Like new bedding, digging out urine spots or adding rubber mats, or in certain cases moving the horse to a different stall.
In these cases lameness in the hoof is common and caution is advised not to pick aggressively at the frog. For it will bleed excessively and will cause pain in the hoof. Antiseptic and astringent are advised to heal these cases. Outlaw Thrush stuff treatment fits these criteria.
What kills thrush in horse's hoofs?
You need an antiseptic to treat the root cause then to stop Reinfection of the tissue an astringent is necessary. This is the most effective way to combat thrush in horses' hooves. Outlaw Thrush Stuff treatment is an effective antiseptic.