Outlaw Thrush stuff treatment

Outlaw Thrush stuff treatment

Outlaw Thrush Stuff is a new advanced repair treatment for horses. It is approved by farriers and veterinarians. We are a proprietary formula different from any other products on the market. As an antiseptic, we treat the root cause of infection in the hoof, and as an astringent a true astringent, our formula shrinks the tissue at a cellular not drying out the hoof like other products. Other products claim to have astringent properties which means they strip the moisture in the hoof drying and causing cracking in the hoof. My favorite claim by other products is one application treatment. The hoof is constantly in a hostile environment the stall with manure and urine puddles. Causing reinfection but by changing the amount of moisture and not harming the tissues you can stop reinfection Outlaw Thrush Stuff does this without harm. 
We are a no-sting formula also Thrush stuff can be applied directly to sensitive tissue as a treatment.