Why not to use bleach on horse hoofs

Why not to use bleach on horse hoofs

Thrush treatment for horses. 
Why bleach is bad for horses' hoofs!

As a farrier, I have been asked if should I use bleach on my horse's feet. It kills everything won’t it kill the thrush If a little work then a lot will do a better job. I have to remind them that a hoof is not a sink or toilet you can’t just put a caustic liquid on it hoping it works. The horses hoof is a living functioning structure. It looks solid but it is flexible, reduces concussion and grows.

By applying bleach it does kill all the bacteria but it kills the hoof. It hardens the hoof stoping it from flexing stoping blood flow.  Any concentration over ten percent bleach can cause chemical burns to the skin heel bulbs and hair line. The frog in the hoof allows the hoof to expand and contract without splitting. When Bleach will hardens the frog your horse can develop contracted heels or other hoof problems. This harsh chemical will weaken the horses hoof wall causing chipping and splitting potential causing lameness.

We recommend a new product call Outlaw Thrush Stuff. It is an astringent and antiseptic. Thrush grows in a anaerobic and wet environment. Outlaw thrush treatment kills all the bacteria found in the hoof and reduces reinfection not harming the hoof tissues.